Tag: Registered Church
Supporting Article
New Media and the Church
How WeChat Changes the Dynamics between the Registered Church and Other Believers
Chinese Christians’ views of digital media, especially WeChat, are discussed, including the changes brought about by the coronavirus. The authors continue by looking at the use of digital media in the future, seeing the church as a shaper, not just a userin this digital age.
Resource Corner
The Registered Church in China
Flourishing in a Challenging Environment
This new publication, by Wayne Ten Harmsel, will soon be available. An excerpt from chapter three is included.
ChinaSource Perspective
Viewing the Registered Church through Different Lenses
With the media’s incessant focus on official persecution of the unregistered church in China, Fulton reminds us that it is often easy to forget the vibrant dimensions of Christian life playing out in China’s registered churches.