Tag: Missions
ChinaSource Team
The Bells Are Not Silent
Stories of Church Bells in China
When Joann discovered a 150-year-old American bell hanging in a church in southwest China, she knew there was a story to tell. This book is a collection of stories about this and other bells from France, Germany, Russia and the United States. But more importantly, they are stories of God’s faithfulness to his church in China.
China’s Urban Christians
A Light That Cannot Be Hidden
China's Urban Christians: A Light That Cannot Be Hidden looks at how massive urbanization is redrawing not only the geographic and social landscape of China, but in the process is transforming China's growing church as well.
Survival Chinese Lessons
This book contains 15 short lessons designed to give you just enough language learning to help you function in very basic situations. This is a must for travelers or those who are going to live in China and are looking for a way to get some of the basics.
ChinaSource Contributors
Encountering China: The Evolution of Timothy Richard’s Missionary Thought (1870–1891)
Welsh Baptist missionary to China Timothy Richard (1845-1919) was once widely regarded as "one of the greatest missionaries whom any branch of the Church, whether Roman Catholic, Russian Orthodox, or Protestant, has sent to China." Today, few have heard of Richard and his remarkable lifetime of ministry in China.
Becoming Native to Win the Natives
Cross-Culturally Becoming All Things to All Men
Becoming Native to Win the Natives first looks at how we are to imitate Christ's love and humility to effectively love those to whom we are ministering. The book then covers many specific aspects of life abroad and how we can better live like the locals in many areas so that some may be saved.
Voices from the Past
This book makes it possible for today's Christians to benefit from the past experience of these missionary giants, such as Hudson Taylor, Timothy Richard, John Nevius, and William Milne. , Each of the included thirty quotations addresses a different aspect of cross-cultural missions in China.
The Rushing on of the Purposes of God
Christian Missions in Shanxi since 1876
This is the first complete account of Protestant missions in Shanxi Province, China. This book begins with the arrival of the Protestant missionaries during the 1878 North China Famine and the fiery test of the 1900 Boxer Uprising and subsequent martyrdom of hundreds of Shanxi Christians.