Tag: Migrant Workers

Blog Entries

Getting to Know China’s Migrant Workers

The 2022 spring issue of CSQ comes out next week and introduces us to the stories of China’s migrants and to some of the demographics and policies that impact them.

Blog Entries

Invisible China

A Book Review

[A]s Invisible China so clearly points out, for China’s trajectory to continue upward, the country must address and overcome the significant and complex issues facing the unseen rural millions of people living beyond the cities.

Blog Entries

Bitter Money

A Film Review

An unflinching look at the lives of migrant workers in a factory city.

Blog Entries

Sociological Analysis and Theological Reflection on China’s Migrant Workers

A Book Review

Christian intellectuals, especially those in ministry or missions, will find the book very useful in understanding issues of poverty and alienation in China. Indeed, any concerned Christian will be moved by the stories and descriptions of the plight of the migrant workers.

Blog Entries

3 Questions: Migration and Public Theology in China

A conversation with sociologist and author Li Ma.

Blog Entries

Why Are the Migrants Being Kicked Out?

Ridding Beijing of unsafe and illegally built structures—is it about ridding the city of structures or people?

Blog Entries

Factory Youth

A Film Review

Taking an extended look at the lives of factory workers in Shenzhen.

Blog Entries

Factory Buddies

We hardly even notice them anymore, and when we do, we probably either roll our eyes or chuckle. I’m referring to the ubiquitous “Made in China” labels that adorn our consumer goods. Televisions, underwear, souvenirs, computers—you name it, it’s probably made in China!

Blog Entries

Dr. Lewis and the Chinese Church

Has China reached the Lewis Turning Point? What does that mean for migrant workers in China?