Tag: Marriage
Lead Article
Member Care for Mainland Chinese Missionaries
Breaking New Ground in a Developing Field
Generational, cultural, and personal issues create challenges and advantages for Chinese cross-cultural missionaries and point to the need for member care. How can this need be met?
Supporting Article
Marital Issues Facing Chinese Missionaries
Marital satisfaction greatly affects missionaries’ effectiveness and length of ministry. After looking at reasons missionary marriages succeed, Tsai provides suggestions for providing support for Chinese missionaries.
Supporting Article
Missional Mothering in China
This mother and ministry worker shares her personal encounters with God’s guidance, grace, and power throughout her varied experiences in pioneer church planting and raising a family in frontier areas of China.
View From the Wall
Families, Churches, and China’s Transition
Historical influences on family structure and how this structure has collapsed in recent decades are reviewed. The author then recognizes that family order has been established by God and must be restored. This is essential for China’s transformation. The role the Chinese church should play in this restoration needs to be thought through.
Peoples of China
Intergenerational Challenges in Christian Marriages
A Sociological Case Study of Urban Young Christians in China
Over recent generations, marriage expectations have changed. For young Christians in China, marriages are taking on new ethical norms that include challenges. Parental pressures in finding a spouse as well as in planning a wedding can create much tension. After marriage, child-bearing and rearing continue to generate challenges between the young couple and their parents. The one-child policy has exacerbated these difficulties. Christian couples are swimming against many secular tides in these areas.
Supporting Article
A New Marriage Law in China
What are the provisions found in the Revised Marriage Law and the implications of those provisions?