Tag: Mao Zedong
Supporting Article
Urge for Faith
Postmodern Beliefs among Urban Chinese
Historical events following Mao's death left an ideological vacuum in China. This has created a strong need for faith, even an urge, so as to avoid the risk of further social disruption and political instability. While postmodernism, with its relativity and lack of absolutes, is trying to fill this void, it also leaves people questioning and open to exploring faith.
Lead Article
Greater China’s Great Transformation
What is ahead for China in the coming years? What can we glean from China's past that helps us understand what may be ahead for China and for the church in China?
Supporting Article
Demystifying China’s New Leaders
Once again China is in the midst of political succession. A new generation of Chinese leaders, known as the “fourth generation,” is poised to take the helm of power in the country. What do we know about these leaders?