Tag: Globalization
Supporting Article
Christianity in China in the Context of Global Christianity
Chinese Christians have a unique place in global Christianity and are entering into deeper conversations with Christians worldwide. What do they offer each other? One of the greatest challenges to global Christianity is navigating fragmentation and diversity. Another significant challenge is interaction with people of other religions. How can Chinese Christians help in these and other challenges? What role do they play on the global scene? The author addresses these questions in his discussion of this topic.
Book Reviews
The Dragon’s Gift
The Real Story of China in Africa
The reviewer discusses the author's argument that China has created her own path for aid, how this is working in Africa and what it means for the continent.
Peoples of China
Global Snapshots
A Look at the Chinese Diaspora around the World
From New Zealand to Canada, from professionals to laborers, we are given brief glimpses of the third Chinese diaspora in a variety of countries. A number of diaspora workers give us glimpses into the lives of the people they work with and how they are presenting them with the Gospel.
Supporting Article
Mainland Chinese on the African Continent
Every year, China does $10 billion worth of trade with Africaand this continues to increase. Thus, the continent, and especially South Africa, is drawing a large number of Mainland Chinese. Who are these Chinese and what are their situations? Who is trying to reach them with the Gospel and what challenges do they face in doing this?
Lead Article
Missiological Implications of Chinese Christians in Europe
The author tells us where Mainland Chinese are found in Europe, what they are involved in and their relationships to Christianity. He discusses their ties with established European Chinese churches, their impact upon the church in China as many return to their homeland and the outreach of European churches to the Chinese diaspora among them.
The Chinese Church and the Global Body of Christ
Pastor Jin briefly looks at the history of the church in China and how it influences today's church as well as the changes the present-day church faces. He identifies six challenges facing the church and also looks to the future. In a side bar, he challenges the North American church.
China and the Global Church
Editor's Note: This editorial originally appeared in "Global China: Implications for the Church" (CS Quarterly, 2012 Spring).
Lead Article
Convergence or Divergence?
Chinese Culture in a Globalized World
Japanese-American scholar Fukuyama introduced the notion of "the end of history," proporting that the world was now one and history should come to an end. Others have claimed that globalization has "leveled the playing field." And yet others view globalization quite differently. The real question is how we should view the changes in China's culture and its influence in light of the globalization of the economy during the last thirty years.
Lead Article
Partnering toward Indigenization
Vol. 11, No. 1
The themes that emerged from the Leader Development Consultaton held in November 2008 included principles of indigenized leader developement, mutual learning to achieve indigenization, and the pursuit of indigenization in light of globalization.
Supporting Article
Maybe It Doesn’t Take a Village
Globalization's Challenge to the Traditional Chinese Family
The effects of globalization are having a huge, lasting impact on China's families.