Tag: Filial Piety

Blog Entries

The Importance of Filial Piety

Especially at a Distance

Our friends in Asia suspected that we did not want to take care of our family members, our parents in particular, and so we came to their country. They couldn’t understand that we had come for any other reason.

Blog Entries

Remembering the Dead

Finding ways as Christians to respect, honor, and remember the departed.

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A Film Review

An Oscar winner and filial piety.

Blog Entries

Chinese Missionaries—Being Filial and Faithful

Chinese children generally want to please their parents. Traditional Chinese culture encourages this, and those children who fall outside of this cultural norm may even be looked down upon by their peers. So what do Chinese Christians do if they want to become missionaries? How can they blend their responsibilities toward parents with the calling they feel from God to go to a foreign country to share the gospel?

Blog Entries

We’ve Come this Way Before

Throughout history as various attempts have been made to introduce the gospel to China, a series of “perennial questions” have arisen regarding the relationship between the Christian faith and Chinese culture.