Tag: Belt and Road Initiative

Lead Article

The Global Chinese Diaspora Today

Overview and Mission Trends

Our Lord is the lord of history, and everything happens according to his plan. The recent political developments in and related to China have impacted the movement and dynamics of the global Chinese diaspora. They have closed some doors for mission while opening others.

Supporting Article

China’s Place in the World

Fulton discusses Xi Jinping’s “China Dream” that envisions a new role for China on the world scene. He looks at three arenas where Xi seeks to establish China’s superiority.

Supporting Article

Missions with Chinese Characteristics

Given governmental laws and China’s situation over past years, the church in China has been creative in how it carries out mission. The author looks at these aspects and how they have influenced mission work both inside and outside China’s borders.

Supporting Article

Chinese Missions along the Belt and Road

China’s Belt and Road Initiative, first conceived in 2013, will encompass 65% of the world population. Bryant provides background about this initiative and what it will involve, then looks at its significance for missions from China.

Book Reviews

Sino-African Relations and International Contexts

The authors provide a brief history of Sino-African relations and international contexts to give readers a deeper understanding of the evolution of China’s engagement with Africa and modern Sino-African relations.