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ZGBriefs Newsletter for April 26, 2012

April 26, 2012 ZGBriefs is a condensation of news items gathered from published sources. ZGBriefs is not responsible for the content of these items nor does it necessarily endorse the perspectives presented. Get daily updates from ZGBriefs on Twitter @ZG_Briefs. To make a contribution to ZGBriefs, please click here and then select Donate Through Paypal. […]

Supporting Article

Holy See-China Provisional Agreement

The Balance Sheet Five and a Half Years Later

Chinese Catholics are called to witness to their fellow citizens that they are Christians and good citizens, like all others, working for the common good of the whole country and in keeping with their own culture.

Lead Article

The Family in China

What are the major shifts that have taken place in Chinese families over the years and what have been the underlying causes behind them?