Internal Migration
The Struggles and Strengths of China’s Migrant Workers
From the desk of the guest editor.
Lead Article
Thinking about Multiplying Migrant Worker Churches in Urbanizing China
After an overview of current trends in migrant worker population growth throughout China, read about the ways that urbanization has influenced the expansion of migrant churches. Finally, discover five ideas to multiply migrant churches.
Supporting Article
Reflections from a Foreign Friend: My Years with China’s Migrants
Reimer explains how the hukou, or family registration system, creates difficulties for individuals, families, and society. He addresses the rural/urban divide, then discusses how evangelizing the migrant “floating population” is one good way to fulfill Christ’s global mandate.
ChinaSource Perspective
No Ordinary People
We are privileged to be introduced to men, women, and children who have experienced, and continue to experience, crushing loss through separation and discrimination. We hear their stories of perseverance, courage, and transformation in Christ.
Getting to Know China’s Migrant Workers
The 2022 spring issue of CSQ comes out next week and introduces us to the stories of China’s migrants and to some of the demographics and policies that impact them.
Invisible China
A Book Review
[A]s Invisible China so clearly points out, for China’s trajectory to continue upward, the country must address and overcome the significant and complex issues facing the unseen rural millions of people living beyond the cities.