Blog Entries in Understanding God's Work in the New Normal
Opportunities in the Light of Kingdom Identities
As a Christian in Hong Kong, I am not only interested in the economic aspects of consolidation with our neighboring city; I am also interested in cross-border and cross-cultural exchanges of spiritual life between the communities. While the government creates synergy through conjoining the strengths of the two cities, we should explore whether the interaction between the Christians of the two locations can give rise to new opportunities for kingdom ministries.
Grappling with Multiple Identities
When faced with various identities in a complicated world, how might Christians understand and respond to potential conflicts?
100 Years of God’s Protection and Guidance (Part 2)
Policies and Plans in Favor of Christianity
Christianity faces adversities in China. But God has used some of those unfavorable conditions to accelerate church growth. Thistles and thorns are not the only plants on the path of evangelism. We have simply ignored the little daisies growing along the way.
100 Years of God’s Protection and Guidance (Part 1)
Turning Adversities into Blessings
History has convinced me that God cares about China in his missional plan. This anniversary carries spiritual meaning when we see that the Chinese church has witnessed God’s protection and guidance over the past 100 years.
Serving with Wisdom in the Changing Ideology
The governing leadership in China over the years has been consistent, indeed almost predictable. And, as such, as we look at the history of mission and church development in China, we can foresee what Christians in Hong Kong will face in the new normal.
Seeking Shalom in a Hostile Environment
Frameworks for Discussion
Learning to think biblically in responding to challenging and changing times.
Daniel—A Model for Hong Kong in Creating Shalom
The perplexities Daniel the prophet faced serving the holy Lord, while at the same time serving earthly kings in the midst of less than godly practices, can be relevant for the complexities we face today.
Make Me a Blessing in the Tension
Being a Blessing in a Hostile Environment
The story of Daniel has great implications for us as we face our own upcoming social changes.
Recognizing Blessing in the Coming Integration
Although there may be increasing restrictions for believers in the future, God’s sovereignty is still in force. Socio-political and economic changes can be used by God as instruments to accomplish his purposes.
An Unchanged Endeavor in Changing Times
The prophets’ bifocal view, the far-sighted perspective of the mission of God and caring for the near neighbor and kinsmen before their eyes, helps me reflect on how our faith communities in Hong Kong should reframe our attitudes in facing the challenges ahead.