Reaching 2nd Generation Chinese Americans for Christ

Blog Entries

Additional Factors for Reaching the 2nd Generation and a Challenge

Principles for reaching second generation Chinese Americans—for parents and churches.

Blog Entries

Developing and Modeling a Biblical Worldview

If we believe God's word is true, we should not shy away from letting second generation youth ask questions. If students are free to ask questions in a safe environment, and are given Biblical answers, their faith will grow.

Blog Entries

What Is the Gospel and Its Implications for Second Generation Chinese Youth

The gospel of grace taught in the home and at church is vital for reaching Chinese American youth.

Blog Entries

Struggles 2nd Generation Chinese Americans Face

All youth face struggles as they grow up but 2nd generation young people have challenges specific to their situation.

Blog Entries

The Importance and Roles of Families and Church Leaders

We must talk about our God in a way that helps them see that he is real in our lives. We cannot pass on what we do not possess.

Blog Entries

Why Reaching 2nd Generation Chinese Americans Is Crucial but Difficult

I learned that there was a great concern for the second and following generations of Chinese Americans, because so many were leaving the church, and not following the faith of their parents. This “silent exodus” has concerned many Chinese church leaders and families for decades and it is still occurring.