Pastor Hsi—Conqueror of Demons

Blog Entries

The Legacy of Pastor Hsi

A Life of Service and Faith

In Pastor Hsi, written by Mrs. Howard Taylor, we can tell that the pastoral problems Pastor Hsi encountered when the Shanxi Church was established more than a hundred years ago are exactly the same as those we face today: there is the danger of false teachers, the pain brought by church division, and the various different voices from inside and outside the church.

Blog Entries

The Battle of Faith

Pastor Hsi’s Triumphs and Failures

As this painful summer passed, poor Pastor Hsi endured unspeakable suffering and pressure, but most of his co-workers still supported him firmly. The love and loyalty of people were a great comfort to him. But they still had to go through this refining furnace together. Sometimes it even seemed that God’s hand had withdrawn, and Satan was destroying the ministry at will.

Blog Entries

Trials, Tribulations, and the Formation of a Ministry

In 1881, Hsi started a medical mission station, apart from foreign supervision, in Deng Village, five miles away from his home. He practiced medicine in the front and held meetings in the back, naming it “fuying tang” (Gospel Hall). Hsi served as a doctor, preacher, and boss, and his home was often crowded with people seeking help.

Blog Entries

From Confucian Scholar to a Servant of Christ

Jesus became real and trustworthy, not just a man anymore, but God in the flesh. However, the burden of sin, the condemnation of conscience, and the bondage of opium addiction became increasingly difficult for him to overcome.

Blog Entries

Introduction and the Early Life of a Conqueror of Demons

Many Chinese Christians suffered to love others and endured hardship in their native land because they loved the Lord. Pastor Hsi was one of them. Ordained by Hudson Taylor in 1887, he was the first pastor ordained by the China Inland Mission in mainland China.