On June 7 and 8, more than 9.5 million Chinese high school students sat for the annual college entrance examination, known locally as “gaokao.” For the participating students, their last two years of high school have been focused on one thing—passing this test. No music; no sports; no clubs—only test preparation, which in China, means memorization.
Passing the test means the chance to go to university, which means a better chance of a good job, which means the ability to care for the family. In other words, pressure to do well on the test is not only personal, it is a family affair.
This article, translated from Gospel Times, tells of a church in Nanjing that ministers to parents waiting outside a nearby testing center.
Nanjing Mo Chou Road Church Ministers to Parents Waiting While Their Children Take the Entrance Examination
The annual college entrance examination is not only a major event in the lives of tens of thousands of students; it also affects tens of thousands of parents. While the students are in the examination hall, their parents wait outside, sweating like rain. In recent days, the Nanjing Mo Chou Road Christian Church, which is located next to the Number 5 Middle School, has served parents by inviting parents into the church to rest and drink tea.
Some of the parents are Christians, who pray for their children taking the exam.
For most of the parents, however, this is their first time inside of a church, and while they are there, they want to learn more about Christianity. The brothers and sisters on duty at the church are available to answer their questions.
Because the examination on June 7 coincided with the Sunday worship time, the church shut off the outdoor public address system and turned down the volume inside the church. They did this so as not to disturb the students taking the examination.
According to the Mo Chou Church website, the church has been engaged in this ministry for the past six years, and it has now become one of its traditions.
The parishioners of Mo Chou Road Church pray for the students taking the college entrance exams; praying for good scores to continue their studies, and that they will serve and contribute to society in the future.
Original article: 高考期间 南京莫愁路堂邀请考生家长进堂休息 (Gospel Times)
Image credit: Reuters, via Financial Times
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