Chinese Church Voices

Chinese Church Voices—Top 10 posts of 2018

Chinese Church Voices is an occasional column of the ChinaSource Blog providing translations of original writing by Christians in China. The views represented are entirely those of the original author; inclusion in Chinese Church Voices does not imply or equal an endorsement by ChinaSource.

With new religious regulations put into place in 2018 and the implications of those regulations being felt by some churches in China, it is not surprising that many of the most read Chinese Church Voices posts have dealt with those developments. But that is not all Christians in China have been talking about.

Here are the ten most read Chinese Church Voices posts for 2018.

1. Why Christians in China Must Prepare Themselves for the New Regulations on Religious Affairs
Ultimately, my position is quite simple. As far as faith is concerned, these new regulations are evil; as far as the constitution is concerned, they are illegal; as far as politics are concerned, they are foolish. As the pastor of a house church, I intend to peacefully reject this regulation’s legitimacy and implementation. Wang Yi

2. When the Police Come Knocking
Pastor Wang Yi of Early Rain Covenant Church details specific guidelines and legal advice for pastors and church staff on how the church should respond to government intervention, including what to do when the police come knocking at your door.

3. A New Tool for Suppressing Churches?
But the current issue confronted by Zion Church is not just a simple question of whether or not to implement the “Regulations on Religious Affairs.” Since February 2018, Beijing Zion Church, as well as many other Christian churches across the country, have witnessed increasing tension between the church and state. The relevant departments of various local governments dealing with religion have actively confronted churches in order to suppress Christian beliefs and its practice in life.

4. New Religious Regulations: Another View 
The new regulations attempt to re-organize the Three-Self Church, so as to absorb house churches. The theory of compatibility is already being put into practice. Three-Self churches must realize the mission of a great nation, while house churches must loosen up on their Fundamental beliefs. If the new regulations are put into practice, this can be accomplished.

5. A Shanghai Pastor Reflects on Challenges Facing the Church in China 
Why has the relationship between Christians and authorities on the mainland become so tense after nearly ten years of relative leniency? The key reason is that over the past ten years of relative leniency, the performance of Chinese Christians has not been satisfying, and their influence on society has not been truly realized. Christianity in China has not fully utilized the advantages of close to ten years of relative leniency to participate in social services, social care, and charity organizations, so as to build a healthy, beneficial public image.

6. 10 Women Who Served China 
A remarkable group of early female missionaries to China traveled across vast oceans to share the gospel. They also contributed a great deal to the development of science, education, culture, and health in China. Here is an introduction to ten early female missionaries to China.

7. Being the Chinese Church in the Face of Growing Political Uncertainty 
The author objects to registering under the State Administration for Religious Affairs and the Three-Self system. As non-profit religious groups, churches should register with the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and attain the status of a legal entity in accordance with the law. From there onwards, churches may legally purchase property for church purposes, sign contracts, and be a part of societal activities. The author emphasizes that the church’s most important work and function is to teach the word and pastor the sheep: preaching the gospel of repentance, shepherding people’s souls, and praying for those in power as well as the widow and orphan, so that they may come to know God’s justice and mercy.

8. Reflections from a Reformed Perspective on the Challenges Faced by the Church in China 
The churches in China are facing many challenges, however in this article I will mention just three that can apply to both house churches and congregations under the umbrella of TSPM. The reason I list only three is that all the other challenges I thought of are strongly connected to these three.

9. Remembering Billy Graham in China  
Billy Graham had been in China several times. Besides, his wife Ruth Bell Graham was born in Huaian, Jiangsu Province, China, and spent her first 17 years there. His father-in-law Lemuel Nelson Bell was a missionary in China. His Chinese name "Aihua" meant "loving China."

10. Peace in Detention 
In Chengdu, Pastor Wangyi of Early Rain Covenant Church was detained and then released, along with other church members when they attempted to conduct a memorial service for the victims of the 2008 Wenquan earthquake. One of the church members who was detained with Pastor Wang Yi posted an account of his detention experience on WeChat, which quickly garnered a lot of attention in the online Christian community.

We look forward to continuing to bring the voices of the Chinese church to you in 2019.

Image credit: Thomas H. Hahn Docu-Images.
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