This is a translation of an article in the Christian Times about the response of Chinese Christians to the death of Pastor Rick Warren's son.
Last Friday, Pastor Rick Warrens 27 year-old son committed suicide after a long struggle with mental illness. Many Chinese Christians began to pray for Pastor Warren when they heard the news.
Rick Warren is the pastor of Saddleback Valley Community Church, in California, and is the author of the book, A Purpose-Driven Life, which has been influential in the lives of many believers in China. Many have used the book to help them in their Christian life and many churches have used it as a resource to build faith.
Last Saturday, Pastor Rick Warren wrote a letter to the members of Saddleback Valley Community Church, telling them that the life-long mental illness that his 27 year-old son Matthew had struggled with had finally come to an end. In the letter he expressed the grief that he and his wife were experiencing.
When Chinese Christians heard the news of the suicide of Pastor Warrens son, they prayed for him. Below are some comments that were offered on Sina Weibo:
A Christian friend, writing under the name of Earthly Saint said that they were shocked at the news of the death of Matthew Warren, Rick Warrens son, and as soon as they heard it she and her husband prayed for Pastor Warren.
One Christian made this appeal: "Pastor Warrens book, The Purpose-Driven Life has helped many people find direction in life. Now, in his time of grief, lets pray for him and ask God to give him strength."
Another Christian offered a verse from the Bible to encourage him, quoting from Proverbs 11:25: he who refreshes others will be refreshed, and saying that as a result we know he will be encouraged and comforted.
In addition, some Christians expressed that they were weeping with those who are weeping.
Original article: 中国基督徒为华理克牧师祷告
Image source: Huffington Post
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