Last week millions of Chinese high school students took the annual two-day college entrance exam know as, the gaokao. For these students and their families, much of their young lives have led up to this moment. Many of their future hopes and dreams also ride on their exam scores.
For those with high test scores, they will have the chance to attend university, which will lead to better job prospects, which will help them provide for their families.
While stress ran high, Chen Fengsheng, a Three-Self pastor in Wenzhou, offered this prayer for the gaokao season.
A Prayer during the Chinese College Entrance Exam Season
Glorious God,
Our Father in heaven,
We exalt your holy name.
We are your handiwork,
and we grow in the light of your countenance.
We thank you, Lord,
that those of us who are entering into this exam season
have known your gracious guidance as we grow.
We thank you, Lord, as the exams approach,
this is another milestone to mark our growth.
So, we have strived to prepare for the exams
so that we can hand in an acceptable exam.
We believe
there are many exams to face
from birth to departure from this world.
And we are grateful
that we can thrive on these exams,
each one of which is a beautiful journey leading onto the next season in life.
We know
The college entrance exam is one of the most pivotal exams
that will have a bearing on one’s life,
however, it is not the final exam that determines life.
So we pray that you will bless
all the necessary efforts on our part,
and teach us to leave the results in your hand
while we wait on you and trust in your gracious leading.
We pray especially for all the exam takers.
We pray that you will keep them strong in body,
soul and spirit
so that they can crush the exam despite the stresses,
and with an ease for test taking.
We pray for your blessed hand to be on their minds
so that they will have good memory
and will even be reminded, by the power of the Holy Spirit,
of the things that may easily slip their minds at exam.
We pray for sound attitudes for the test takers,
attitudes that discard dishonesty and cheating,
so that they willingly face the test with
and faithfulness.
Above all, we pray for their spiritual lives in Christ.
Lord, teach them to place their personal walk with you above exam results.
Teach them to know that integrity, goodness, and fear of the Lord brings more glory to your name than good exam results
and that the greatest treasure in life is a personal knowledge of Jesus Christ,
revering God throughout one’s life.
We pray for all these things in Jesus' name. Amen!
Original article: 祷文一:高考祷文
Image credits:Michael Rastetter, via Flickr
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