Articles in this Issue
Lead Article
Missiological Implications of Chinese Christians in Europe
The author tells us where Mainland Chinese are found in Europe, what they are involved in and their relationships to Christianity. He discusses their ties with established European Chinese churches, their impact upon the church in China as many return to their homeland and the outreach of European churches to the Chinese diaspora among them.
Supporting Article
Mainland Chinese on the African Continent
Every year, China does $10 billion worth of trade with Africaand this continues to increase. Thus, the continent, and especially South Africa, is drawing a large number of Mainland Chinese. Who are these Chinese and what are their situations? Who is trying to reach them with the Gospel and what challenges do they face in doing this?
Peoples of China
Global Snapshots
A Look at the Chinese Diaspora around the World
From New Zealand to Canada, from professionals to laborers, we are given brief glimpses of the third Chinese diaspora in a variety of countries. A number of diaspora workers give us glimpses into the lives of the people they work with and how they are presenting them with the Gospel.
Book Reviews
The Dragon’s Gift
The Real Story of China in Africa
The reviewer discusses the author's argument that China has created her own path for aid, how this is working in Africa and what it means for the continent.
Resource Corner
Chinese Church Voices
With translated sermons, articles and blog posts, this new web site provides a platform from which non-Chinese speakers can access conversations taking place within China's on-line Christian community to broaden their understanding of the issues facing the Chinese church.
Image Credit: Shenzhen International Airport China by Chris, on Flickr
Brent Fulton
Brent Fulton is the founder of ChinaSource. Dr. Fulton served as the first president of ChinaSource until 2019. Prior to his service with ChinaSource, he served from 1995 to 2000 as the managing director of the Institute for Chinese Studies at Wheaton College. From 1987 to 1995 he served as founding …View Full Bio