Over the past year, we have had the privilege to publish two ten-part series on ministering to the Hui people of China. In the first series, “From the Middle East to the Middle Kingdom,” Julie Ma traced the history, culture, and beliefs of the Hui, and examined how they are being reached with the gospel. In the second series, “Know Thy Hui Neighbor,” Ma drew upon the Know Thy Hui Neighbor (KTHN) training to convey how to share Christ’s love appropriately and effectively with the Hui people today.
Most of China’s Hui people live in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous region of northwest China, the capital of which is the city of Yinchuan. I thought it would be good to follow up Julie Ma’s series with a post/video about Yinchuan in my “Cities of China” series. If you have read any of the previous posts in this series, you know that I tend to favor time-lapse videos of the city I am featuring. Alas, I was unable to find one of Yinchuan. This one is a promotional video with lots of flowery language (and, unfortunately an English narrator who hasn’t mastered his Pinyin), but with great shots of the city nonetheless.
The population of Yinchuan is approximately 2.8 million, with 1.9 million living in the urban areas.
Although the number of Christians has remained small, there are several Protestant churches in Yinchuan. The Cathedral of the Immaculate Heart of Mary serves as the seat of the Catholic Diocese of Ningxia. Most Christians in the region are Han Chinese.
Finally, if you haven’t read the series of posts about the Hui in China, I encourage you to do so. You will be blessed with much food for thought and lots to pray about.
- From the Middle East to the Middle Kingdom, Julie Ma, ChinaSource Blog
- Know Thy Hui Neighbor, Julie Ma, ChinaSource Blog
Image credit: Gary Todd, via Flickr.

Joann Pittman
Joann Pittman is Vice President of Partnership and China Engagement and editor of ZGBriefs. Prior to joining ChinaSource, Joann spent 28 years working in China, as an English teacher, language student, program director, and cross-cultural trainer for organizations and businesses engaged in China. She has also taught Chinese at the University …View Full Bio
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