Since we posted our fourth COVID-19 statement, “Readying for Recovery,” the death of George Floyd and the impact his death has had on people—even globally—has been a stark reminder that there are many fronts to which Christ is calling his church, including reconciliation, repentance, redemption, and restoration.
On the way to recovery from COVID-19 we have been faced with issues that won’t go away even with a scientific answer or medical cure, and certainly not by denying or projecting blame on others.
For the addict, recovery is a strong, compelling word that involves a long process of transparency, accountability, and responsibility, in the context of a loving, caring community. For others, recovery is simply something you “tough through,” to get back to the status quo and normalcy, as fast as possible. And so, readying for recovery means different things to different people.
Even as we wait expectantly for Christ’s return, we are called to be vigilant and ready to receive his word and direction for redemptive recovery, not only from the threat, sickness, and death of COVID-19 but also the devastating consequences of sin and its myriad expressions through the world, the flesh, and the devil.
Of course, Jesus always seems to say, “Start with yourself . . . and with me.” As he did with the blind man when Jesus asked, “What do you want me to do for you?” To which the man replied, “I want to see.” (Mark 10:51)
We previously observed, “We are greatly encouraged by how our Chinese brothers and sisters, as they begin their path to recovery from the COVID-19 crisis, are seeking to discern what God has for them in their context.” There is a certain resolve in Jesus and dependence on the Holy Spirit, even when little seems controllable.
In his blog “Is This our ‘Come to Jesus’ Moment?” Scott Rodin of The Steward’s Journey offers a powerful challenge and prayer to each of us seeking the God of recovery and revival:
I invite you to join the journey of a steward seeking that deeper, sweeter surrender that brings revival. I invite you to pray that we will see millions experience Jesus’ call to the amazing, abundant life in him. To help us all on that journey, here is a prayer that might help us emerge from this COVID pandemic as new people, ready to be stewards of life on a journey of freedom and joy. Pray this every morning before your feet hit the floor. May it be the start of a new era of crazy, radical obedience that God will use to bring a sweeping revival to our nation and the world.
Lord, as I look across the totality of my life—every second and every hour, every relationship and every love, every thought and every desire, every dollar and every doubt, every fear and every hope—I proclaim that it’s all yours! All of it!
Lord, my health is yours, it is not mine. It never was. I work hard to stay healthy practice social distancing, wear masks and wash my hands again and again. I’ve done all I can to keep from getting this virus or passing it on to others. But Lord, my health belongs to you. I surrender it fully into your hands, trusting you to be the great physician in my life. I surrender any anxiety I may have, and I will find my peace in your love and provision.
Lord, my work is yours, it is not mine. It never was. Every day that I work is a gift from you. I have trusted you in the past with my livelihood and I will trust you now. You know my need, you know my desire to work in a meaningful way, to earn a living and support myself and my family. I trust you to meet my need, to engage my hands in the work you have prepared for me. I will wait patiently secure in your loving kindness and sustaining will for my life at work. I trust you Lord, and I will remain confident in your providential care.
Lord, my finances are yours, they are not mine. They never were. You have provided for me in abundance, and regardless of how my bank account or investment portfolio looks today, you are the same faithful God, yesterday, today, and forever. You promise me you’ll never leave me or forsake me, and I lean into that blessed assurance every minute of this crisis. You know my need, and that is enough for me. Lord, I rest sheltered in you as my sole source of security.
Lord my future is yours, it is not mine. It never was. As hard as I work to plan everything out and set a clear course for my life, these days have shown me that I have no final control over anything. I pray that you would help that truth become a source of freedom in my life. Help me exchange my desire to control my future for the joyful surrender of a steward, looking to you to guide me down the path you’ve chosen for me. Lord, the future is yours and I claim that affirmation as a source of freedom and joy as I steward every minute of it on my journey.
Lord, my life is yours, it is not mine. It never was. You gave me life from the moment I was conceived, you’ve sustained me with every breath, and you will take me home at exactly the moment you’ve prepared for me, not a minute too soon or too late. Until then, every day is a gift, my life is a gift and I treasure it and thank you for it. In your ledger, not a minute is wasted, not even in waiting, in quarantine, in isolation. My life counts because it is your gift to me, now help me to make it our gift to others. Lord, let me not fear one second for my life, but invest it lavishly in worship to you and service to my neighbor. And grant me your deep peace until I meet you face to face, when I will be eternally, truly, fully yours.
Kerry Schottelkorb
Rev. Kerry Schottelkorb is the president of ChinaSource. For twenty years Kerry was involved in local church planting and youth ministry, both in the US and Hong Kong. He was the founding pastor of the Cle Elum Alliance Church in Cle Elum, Washington and one of two founding pastors of Evangelical …View Full Bio
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