China ministry has faced a few tough years recently, and we at ChinaSource have been challenged to better understand the purpose, the “so what,” behind our work and be able to answer this question in a relevant and compelling way. As the donor relationship manager, it is my privilege to share what I believe to be one of the best answers to the “so what” question and invite you to co-labor in advancing God’s kingdom by investing resources in ChinaSource.
ChinaSource has a significant role to play in discipling the next generation of cross-cultural workers serving the Chinese people.
Media coverage of China is often brief, sensationalized, and—when covering Christianity—focuses on the story of what cannot be done in China. Major outlets do not provide the full context or thoughtful analysis necessary to truly understand an issue and seldom acknowledge the work of God.
This media environment presents an inaccurate image of China to viewers and readers, often leading to hard-hearts and poor understanding and the feeling that nothing can be done to help. In contrast, ChinaSource provides in-depth and biblical analysis—often leading with amazing, first-hand stories of how God is redeeming lives. This approach invites people to consider how they can be part of God’s work in China. When believers are informed and energized, their hearts are open to ways God might be calling them to participate in building his kingdom by working to unify the Chinese and global church leading to collaborative ministry opportunities.
ChinaSource is positioned as never before to help believers around the world grow in alignment with God’s heart for China. We are committed to increasing international understanding and prayer support for the Chinese church and to providing spaces where leaders can meet and develop new collaborative ministry projects. Every week, we feature voices from the Chinese church on our blog so our readers can learn directly from our sisters and brothers. Even through the pandemic, we have used virtual meetings to connect workers in many areas of Chinese ministry. We are excited about continuing and expanding opportunities for believers to learn from and meet one another. However, we can’t do it without your support.
We invite you to join us. You’ll be in good company! A generous donor, wanting to encourage others in their support of ChinaSource, is matching all gifts through the end of the year, up to $50,000!
P.S. Another way to financially support ChinaSource is through a gift of stock. Donating securities can help maximize a charitable gift deduction without spending cash, as well as potentially eliminating a capital gains tax on appreciated stock. If you are interested in making a gift of stock, please send me an email for more information at
Image credit: Ferdinand-Feng via Pixabay.
Peter Arneson
Peter Arneson serves ChinaSource as the Director of Advancement, helping supporters connect the dots between passion for ministry to Chinese and opportunity to engage. Other than the Hong Kong airport, Peter has never been to China but has a passion for serving the global church. View Full Bio
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