Connecting with Chinese International Students: Sharing the Good News with Cultural Wisdom. Available from InterVarsity at Connecting with Chinese International Students Booklet – InterVarsity, 2021, paperback, 148 pages. Cost: US $16.
This booklet, published just this year, and written by seventeen campus ministers, pastors, and students from China and the US, recognizes that the current generation of Chinese international students think and act differently than previous students. It seeks to answer the question of how we can minister effectively to this generation of students.
The booklet covers four areas:
Part 1: Building Relationships
Part 2: Gaining Historical and Cultural Understanding
Part 3: Sharing Jesus
Part 4: Making Disciples and Preparing Students to Return
Free downloadable, practical appendices are available at http://ism.intervarsity.org/chinese-booklet-online
A Chinese Christian student writes: “This booklet provides a comprehensive guide for Christians who work with Chinese international students. It not only helps readers gain a cultural and historical perspective but also offers very practical and up-to-date advice on how to walk alongside Chinese students in their faith journeys. I couldn’t recommend it highly enough as an essential resource on all aspects of Chinese international student ministry” (from the book’s back cover).
18 chapters plus resources and notes
25 graphics, diagrams, and charts
61 color photos
A review of this booklet is available on the ChinaSource Blog, “Connecting with Chinese International Students .”

Scripture Memory Playing Cards. Available at Scripture Memory Playing Cards – InterVarsity, Cost: US $16.
Scripture Memory Playing Cards can be used as flash cards or to share Bible verses with friends while playing card games. The verses on all 54 cards are in English (2011, NIV), Spanish (2015, NVI), and simplified Chinese (CUVS).
Use as a gift…
to ministry partners
for seekers, new Christians, those you are discipling
to graduating or departing students
as Christmas presents to friends, family, coworkers