Conversations abound discussing what can and cannot be done in China with regards to expressing and practicing faith. Can a Christian hold a Bible study at home? Do pastors have to be approved by the Religious Affairs Bureau? Is it legal to hold Sun-day School classes for children?
While many of these questions will remain, becoming familiar with the Regulations on Religious Affairs will provide an official reference point for informed discussion.
This decree, identifying and explaining the Regulations on Religious Affairs, was adopted at the 57th Executive Meeting of the State Council on July 7, 2004 and became effective March 1, 2005. It includes the following chapters:
Chapter I General Provisions
Chapter II Religious Bodies
Chapter III Sites for Religious Activities
Chapter IV Religious Personnel
Chapter V Religious Property
Chapter IV Religious Personnel
Chapter V Religious Property
Chapter VI Legal Liability
Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions
Read the entire five-page document here.
Image Credit: Joann Pittman