
A Look Back to Look Forward

A Decade of ChinaSource

With this issue, the ChinaSource journal completes eleven years of bringing our readers cutting-edge articles that provide insight, analysis and perspective on a rapidly changing China. In this issue, we take a second look at some of the themes addressed.

There have been foundational articles such as Kay Danielson’s “Seeing China through the Lenses of History” and Huo Shui’s “Living Wisely in China,” included here, which are applicable for anyone going to China at any time. Other past articles have dealt with issues pertinent at a specific time but that are now part of recent history. Some of our most recent journals have covered themes that are becoming more apparent as concerns that must be addressed.

For this issue, in addition to the two foundational articles, we have chosen articles with themes that we believe have high significance for those currently serving in China: the urgent need of training mainland Chinese to serve as cross-cultural workers; the challenges brought by Chinese scholars returning home; and an update on China’s growing urban church that is taking a variety of forms. In addition, we introduce you to the new ChinaSource website and recommend the 2010 Prayer Calendar.

Throughout the years, ChinaSource has provided a variety of resources designed to aid and enhance your China service. As one of those resources, the ChinaSource journal, now available in print format, as a pdf file or an online edition, is committed to continuing to bring you timely, thoughtful and excellent articles.

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Julia Grosser

Julia Grosser

Julia Grosser has worked with ChinaSource since 1996 when it was known as the Institute of Chinese Studies and connected with Wheaton College. Prior to her work with ChinaSource she served in Ecuador for 15 years, working in church planting and educational ministries. When she returned to the United States …View Full Bio