Books from 2018
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One Gospel for All Nations: A Practical Approach to Biblical Contextualization
The Bible tells us what to believe—the gospel. It also shows how to contextualize the gospel? In One Gospel for All Nations, Jackson Wu explains practically why we must not choose between the Bible and culture highlights implications for both missionaries and theologians. Contextualization should be practical, not pragmatic; theological, not theoretical.
Saving God’s Face: A Chinese Contextualization of Salvation through Honor and Shame
EMS Dissertation Series
Years ago, the author had a startling realization. Theologians and pastors have long taught on the glory of God and its central importance in the Bible. However, because he was living in East Asia, it also dawned on the author that this sort of talk about God’s glory, praising Him, and magnifying His name was simply another way of talking about honor and shame.
Surviving the State, Remaking the Church
A Sociological Portrait of Christians in Mainland China
Selected by the International Bulletin of Mission Research as one of the ten outstanding books of 2017 for Missions Studies, this sociological portrait presents how Chinese Christians have coped with life under a hostile regime over a span of different historical periods, and how Christian churches as collective entities have been reshaped by ripples of social change.