Blog Entries from 2011

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Blog Entries

Are You “Among the People”

The following is a quotation from James Hudson Taylor, speaking to a gathering of field workers Pingyang, Shanxi in 1886.

Blog Entries

The End of Cheap China

A new book is on its way and this will be of interest especially to those involved in business one way or another. It's supposed to be out in December so if you get this as a Christmas present and read this book, please do post a review.

Blog Entries

Hold to the Tension

Cross-cultural work is all about living between two poles and keeping them in juxtaposition. The problem is that modernity - our western Enlightenment culture - drives us to resolve that tension.

Blog Entries

A Different Kind of Challenge to Effectiveness

I have recently been struck by how susceptible my attitude is to being influenced by my environment. This sounds obviousalmost tautologicalbut let me explain a bit about the kind of influences I am thinking of.