from 1999

The Resource Library is where you will find the latest resources from across our publications.

View From the Wall

No Stranger

The Church in the Eyes of the Chinese

After over 20 years of economic reform, nothing seems to really catch the eyes of the Chinese today.  

Book Reviews

The Costly Revival

China’s Christian Millions by Tony Lambert, 

Reviewed by Alex Buchan


Can We Afford to Do Nothing for China?

The editor's point of view.

Peoples of China

The Church among the Peoples of China

Are the people groups of China responding to the gospel?

Supporting Article

Strategic Teaching Opportunities

Due to the growth of the church in China, there are three main needs to be met.

Supporting Article

Putting Christianity on the Map—for Chinese Intellectuals

Looking at one of China's "Cultural Christians," Liu Xiaofeng.

Lead Article

The Changing Face of China’s Church

The church in China does not exist in a vacuum. Rather, it is experiencing unprecedented change that mirrors the rapid pace of change in society at large. Caught up in this vortex, the question is, “Can the church keep up and adapt itself for effective witness in 21st century China?”

Peoples of China

Discipling the Unreached Peoples of China

The Adopt-a-People concept has caught on, and many individuals, churches, and agencies are making a focus on a particular people group the heart of their mission strategy. Here are some suggestions relating to the challenge of actually reaching the peoples of China with the gospel.

Lead Article

Toward a New Approach to Ministry in China

Are there effective ways the church in the West can help the Chinese church with leadership training needs?