Summer 2009

Supporting Article

Tough Calls

Indigenous Investing

Experience begets guidelines that can help in decisions regarding indigenous investing.

Supporting Article

Conserving Water and Wildlife in the Source Areas of China’s Major Rivers

China is developing at a phenomenal rate, and urbanization may be the most obvious feature of China’s human landscape in the 21st century; yet, we must ask the question: At what price such rapid development?


The Stewardship Gap

The editor's perspective...

Book Reviews

True Stewardship

Stewards in the Kingdom: A Theology of Life in All Its Fullness by R. Scott Rodin. 

Reviewed by Kerry Schottelkorb

Peoples of China

Stewardship in the Business Community

Chinese Christian business people are finding innovative ways to steward the resources God has given them.

Supporting Article

The Three-fold Call of the Leader as Steward

Christians need to be good stewards of their identity and their time. They also need to value "being" over "doing."

Lead Article

How China’s Christians Can Heal China’s Environment

Vol. 11, No. 2

What is the Christian's responsibility to the natural environment created by God?

View From the Wall

A Good Steward

The Chinese church practiced stewardship of its God-given gifts and abilities in reaching out to those who suffered in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake.