Summer 2000


A Second Look at China’s Urbanization

The editor's point of view.

Lead Article

China’s Burgeoning Cities

Urbanization in China is occurring at an accelerated pace. What are its effects upon China and her people?

Supporting Article

Chongqing—China’s “Mountain City”

An introduction to China's fourth municipality or mega-city—Chongqing.

Supporting Article

China’s Migrant Population

China's unprecedented urban migration and its challenge to China's Christians.

View From the Wall

More Than a Concrete Jungle

Putting today's urban migration in China into historical perspective.

Peoples of China

“City Slickers” and “Country Bumpkins”

Are They People Groups?

Is the cultural divide between migrants and urban citizens yet another barrier to the gospel?

Supporting Article

Rural Urbanization in China

The phrase “rural urbanization,” at first glance, appears to be an oxymoron. Yet it is an apt phrase to describe what has been happening in China, especially in the eastern regions, over the past two decades. 

Book Reviews

A Lifeline for China’s Unreached Cities

China’s Unreached CitiesVolume 1, A Prayer Guide for 52 of China’s Least Evangelized Cities, by Paul Hattaway.