Spring 2017

Supporting Article

The Expectations of the Chinese Church

China’s churches desire partnerships with overseas entities. However, as the church has become increasingly urban, the nature of those partnerships must change in response to the changes occurring in society and thus, in the church. Overseas organizations must understand these changes and consider carefully how they can best partner with the church in China.

Peoples of China

As China Grows Older

China’s elderly population is burgeoning and the question becomes, “Who will care for them?” Families are finding this difficult, and neither the government nor society are currently prepared to provide the resources needed to address this. However, China’s Christian community has several advantages that would allow them to meet this need. Urban Christians could care for the elderly in their midst and also offer a service to the larger community which would enhance the church’s standing in society.

Lead Article

Perceptions and Priorities of Christian Leaders in China

A recent survey of Christian leaders in China and representatives of churches and organizations outside China that work with these leaders provides insight into the health of China’s churches and their ministry priorities. It also looks at their involvement in society and mission outreach. In addition, participants were surveyed regarding restrictions they had experienced due to religious policy.

View From the Wall

Is Persecution Worsening?

Perspectives on the Changing Religious Policy Environment in China

Is persecution in China increasing? Two house church leaders, one who was imprisoned in a labor camp for a few years, and the other who is a Chinese scholar with strengths in theological education and the history of the Chinese church, give their viewpoints on this topic.


Journeying Together

The editor's perspective . . .

Supporting Article

When Tea Meets Coffee

A conversation between two friends, one an overseas Chinese woman and the other from mainland China who has studied overseas, centers around the cultural gap between believers in China and those who come from overseas to help them. Mistaken perceptions, communication issues, and the importance of relationships are discussed.

Book Reviews

Excitement, Realism, and Incisive Commentary

A review of Christ in China: An Anthology by Ronald Boyd-MacMillan

In appreciation of Tony and Frances Lambert’s 34 years of faithful service, OMF-Hong Kong has published an anthology of forty-six of Tony’s monthly analyses of the story of Christianity in China. Written between the years 1987 to 2016, these articles cover aspects of the greatest revival story of the world church of the past 50 years, as well as selections that give unique slants on the contemporary story.

Resource Corner

A Journey of Opportunity

Following God’s Direction in China
An Infographic

An infographic for understanding the needs and perspectives of the 1,200 Chinese church leaders voiced in the 2016 survey of the China Gospel Research Alliance.