Spring 2003

Blog Entries

Chinese Christianity

Vol. 5, No. 1

The church in China—more Chinese or more global? 

Supporting Article

Dynamics of Mainland Chinese Ministry in North America

As more Chinese students and scholars come to study and do research in North America the avenues for interaction with them are increasing and broadening.

Supporting Article

Facets of the Chinese Church

Of the many adjectives that could be used to describe the church in China, “diverse” is one of the most appropriate. The Body of Christ in China is indeed multi-faceted, a microcosm of the diverse population of China itself. Here we present four views of the church in China, each reflecting a different aspect of God’s working among the peoples of China.

Supporting Article

Multiplying Healthy Churches in the Cities of China

It is estimated that by 2015 half of all China’s people will live in the cities. What are the effects of urbanization on the church in China?

Peoples of China

The Urban Church in China

A look at the many various expressions of the new urban church in China.

Book Reviews

Roots of China’s Current Christian Revival

Fierce the Conflict by Norman H. Cliff.  

A Review by Tony Lambert


A Changing Church in a Changing China

The editor's perspective.

Lead Article

Chinese Christianity

Turning the Nation Around

Is China being Christianized?