Autumn 2000

View From the Wall

Living Wisely in China

Understanding Chinese culture requires more than good language acquisition. The author explains four aspects of Chinese culture that are not easily understood by foreigners.

Supporting Article

Reverse Culture Shock

When Your Body is Home, But Your Mind Isn’t

Recognizing the challenges of returning "home" after being overseas and ways to cope and adjust.


Serving China Revisited

The editor's point of view ...

Book Reviews

The People of the Hour

The “Chinese” Way of Doing Things: Perspectives on American-Born Chinese and the Chinese Church in North America by Samuel Ling with Clarence Cheuk. 

A review by John Peace

Lead Article

Into the Marketplace

Can top executives in multinational companies offer meaningful Christian service despite the demands of their jobs? Can a walnut farmer use his occupation as a platform for witness? Is it possible for foreign teachers to witness to their faith with their students? Each of these questions can be answered with a resounding “yes.” 

Supporting Article

Maintaining the Integrity of the Gospel

Today, the church needs to commission and groom a new generation of middle-management “China experts” with China experience. These individuals must learn the language, they should have a firm foundation placed by seminary training which believes in the inerrancy of Scripture, they must have much experience among the Chinese, and perhaps a doctoral degree in Chinese history or intercultural studies. And they must hold to a strong, unqualified confidence in the Bible, the inerrant Word of God, and a high view of God, Scripture and the cross. More than anything else, what China needs is a clear message of the sound, complete gospel.

Peoples of China

Getting on Target

Are the Han Chinese a "reached" people group?

Supporting Article

Mission in Practice

Minding your Es, Ps, and Rs
A Personal Reflection

While the author’s reflections are based on observations she made in Russia, countries of the former Soviet Union and of East Central Europe, there are parallels for those serving in China. In the future, should China allow expatriates greater access to the country, her insights would be even more pertinent.—Editor Emotionals In three years of […]