Prayer Resources
“Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving” (Colossians 4:2).
At ChinaSource we are committed to praying for China and for churches there, and we want to encourage and help others do the same. These are recommended resources that can be used by individuals, small groups, and churches to help you continue steadfastly in prayer.
Pray for China: A Walk Through History
Each day this site, which was created by a long-time China worker and friend of ChinaSource, posts a snippet about a key historical event or figure in Chinese history, along with specific requests, and a Bible verse that you can use as the foundation of your prayer.

China Partnership – Pray for China

China Partnership has a section on their site dedicated to helping believers worldwide pray for churches and believers in China. You can sign up to receive weekly prayer emails and daily prayer texts.
Prayercast – China
This site is a treasure-trove of resources to encourage and facilitate prayer, not just for China, but for the nations. These include video prayer guides, list of prayer points, and background information on the country.

Operation World – People’s Republic of China

Operation World has numerous resources segmented by regions and with information about the country. There is also an app with more information on ways so connect with others praying for China.
China Compass – Pray for China
The goal of this prayer resource is to promote prayer for each province and county in China by inviting people to adopt a Chinese province to pray for.

Pray 4 Unreached East Asia

This site offers daily prayer prompts for individuals or groups to use in praying for the unreached people groups of East Asia.