Urban Farmer

“Urban Farmer” is involved in theological education in China in differing capacities. In addition to working closely with house churches in China over the past 20 years, he has concentrated his ministry and research over the last decade on his two passions of church development and theological education in China’s house church. He is currently pursuing a PhD in educational studies at a US evangelical institution. He serves as a fellow for the Center for House Church Theology.

Blog Entries

The Impact of a Gospel-Centered Life

A Reflection on the Ministry and Writings of Timothy Keller

Timothy Keller’s passing is a cause for mourning. The Christian community has lost a champion of the faith, but I cannot help but feel joy and hope as I watched him from afar; as he faced the news of cancer, struggled through treatment, and never let go of the gospel even to the end. His testimony of a life well-lived . . . fills me with hope.

Blog Entries

A Reader Responds to the 2021 Winter CSQ

Today’s author uses the analogy of human development to add nuance and detail to the story of China’s Reforming churches.