Timothy Tseng
Lead Article
The Christian World They Made Together: 1850–1911
History of Chinese Christianity in North America (1)
The author explains the growth of the Chinese diaspora and Chinese immigration to the United States and Canada as well as the events that gave birth to North American Chinese Christianity.
Supporting Article
Saving China, Saving Ourselves: 1911–1965
History of Chinese Christianity in North America (2)
Tseng continues his narrative by recounting how events in China, mingled with events in the United States, influenced the development and growth of the Chinese church in the US with a focus on social justice, public witness, and biblical kingdom values.
Supporting Article
Transpacific Transposition: 1965 to Present
History of Chinese Christianity in North America (3)
The author brings us to the present by giving five factors that since 1965 have created the awakening and dominance of independent-minded and indigenous evangelicalism in North American Chinese Christianity.