Ruth C. Chang

Ruth C. Chang received her doctorate in clinical psychology from Rosemead School of Psychology in 1980. Since 2006, Chang has been an associate staff of Narramore Christian Foundation, serving missionaries as well as speaking and writing about marriage, family, and other relational topics. From 2006 to 2012, Chang and her husband lived in Asia and served as tentmakers where they had opportunities to serve Chinese church leaders and families and other foreign tentmakers serving in Asia. She is one of the authors of the recently released Chinese member care handbook entitled Serving Together: Caring for Chinese Missionaries.

Blog Entries

Filling the Need to Care for Workers

Training Member Care Providers for Chinese Missionaries

We believe that member care is an integral part of missions sending and we want to see Chinese senders better equipped in this area… The sent and the senders will fulfill the Great Commission together.

Blog Entries

《亲子共成长》Growing through Parenting

A New Resource for Chinese Parents

A new book emphasizing the opportunity for parents to grow as they raise their children—to grow and become more like Jesus.


Member Care Is Part of the Mission

From the desks of the guest editors.

Lead Article

Member Care for Mainland Chinese Missionaries

Breaking New Ground in a Developing Field

Generational, cultural, and personal issues create challenges and advantages for Chinese cross-cultural missionaries and point to the need for member care. How can this need be met?

Blog Entries

Exploring Member Care for Workers from China

A Preview of the 2022 Autumn Issue of CSQ

It is our prayer that the articles in this issue will raise the profile of this vital service to God’s servants, prompting deeper discussion and sparking new practical efforts to prepare and to come alongside those being sent.