Joel 大江
Traditional Chinese Christmas Songs: 《欢乐佳音歌》 & 《圣诞感恩歌》
Guest blogger Joel 大江 shares "some genuine Chinese Christmas songs, as in songs written by Chinese in Chinese and in a Chinese style, rather than sounding like corrupted English songs." This post originally appeared at China Hope Live on December 9, 2012.
The 2013 Grinch Award (is for your educational benefit)
Just because a Chinese Christian is in trouble doesn't mean they're in trouble just because they're a Christian. Their Christianity may have something to do with it, or it may have almost nothing to do with. China being as it is, the "whys" are usually a little more complicated and a lot more pragmatic. This is not the Mao Era.
Chairman Mao the Daoist immortal, and his Bodhisattva friends
One of the easiest places to see real live Mainland Chinese folk beliefs is in the front seat of a Chinese taxi.