Jim Nickel

Jim Nickel was vice president of ChinaSource from 2000 to 2004 and was involved in promoting work among the unreached Chinese peoples for many years

Lead Article

God is Moving in the Cities of China

As the greatest rural to urban migration in history continues in China, God is at work. He is opening doors for Christians to impact the cities of China, and He is stirring up His people to go through those doors. God’s people, both inside and outside of China, are beginning to respond to the challenge […]

Peoples of China

Peoples of the Cities

The author takes us on a tour of some of the side streets of Beijing, showing us the diversity of people within the cities of China.

Peoples of China

The Urban Church in China

A look at the many various expressions of the new urban church in China.

Supporting Article

Multiplying Healthy Churches in the Cities of China

It is estimated that by 2015 half of all China’s people will live in the cities. What are the effects of urbanization on the church in China?

Peoples of China

Changing Paradigms

In light of the changes affecting China's economic and social situations, what issues need to be considered in bringing the gospel to China's unreached people groups?

Book Reviews

China’s New NGOs

250 Chinese NGOs: Civil Society in the Making, Nick Young ed., A Special Report from China Development Brief.

A review by Jim Nickel

Peoples of China

Partnering to Reach the Peoples of China

God is building his church among the peoples of China, but the vast majority of Chinese have still never heard the gospel—or even the name of Jesus. How can we reach them?

Peoples of China

Pray for the Leaders of China

One of our goals at ChinaSource is to alert Christians around the world to the needs of unreached Chinese peoples. Historically, we (along with many others) have focused on the minorities of China, and we rejoice that interest in taking the gospel to these needy people groups has begun to grow. More recently, we have been stirred by the needs of unreached peoples among the Han majority, many of them defined by socio-cultural rather than ethno-linguistic factors. The leaders of the government of China constitute one such group.

Peoples of China

Theology Or Theologies?

How does the diversity of China's ethnic population affect the development of Chinese theology?

Supporting Article

Taking a New Look

In their recent book, Changing the Mind of Missions, James Engel and William Dyrness provide a challenge to the Western missions movement that is timely and on-point for all involved in seeking to advance the kingdom of God, and especially relevant to those of us whose focus is on China.