Fredrik Fällman

Fredrik Fällman

Fredrik Fällman, PhD, is Associate Professor of Chinese Studies at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, and former Asia Secretary for the Mission Covenant Church of Sweden (now Uniting Church in Sweden)

Chinese Articles


Urge for Faith: Postmodern Beliefs Among Urban Chinese

毛泽东死后的中国,是意识型态的真空。认为凡事没有绝对价值的后现代主义,并没有成功填补这个空档。为了避免社会纷乱及政治动荡,人们登上寻索之旅,对宗教信仰产生强烈甚至迫切的渴求… …

Supporting Article

Urge for Faith

Postmodern Beliefs among Urban Chinese

Historical events following Mao's death left an ideological vacuum in China. This has created a strong need for faith, even an urge, so as to avoid the risk of further social disruption and political instability. While postmodernism, with its relativity and lack of absolutes, is trying to fill this void, it also leaves people questioning and open to exploring faith.

Supporting Article

Urban Consumers

What are those with disposable income buying in China?