Christine Novak

Christine Novak

Christine Novak is the Executive Director of New Song, a non-profit that partners with registered and unregistered Chinese churches and NGOs to equip local mentors/coaches/teachers to implement a unique biblically based, culturally relevant self-worth curriculum to children all across China. For more information about New Song, visit the website

Blog Entries

Thanksgiving in Chengdu

Celebrating Thanksgiving with a food tale from Chengdu! 

Blog Entries

The Value of Interdependence

First, let me confess that I am not an expert on China, nor have I lived in China. My exposure consists of supporting New Song’s in-country program director while working remotely from the US. Twice a year for 6-8 weeks at a time I travel to China for direct interface with those Chinese nationals who are trained and equipped to implement self-worth development curriculum. Through these committed community leaders New Song has impacted children and youth across China with what I believe is a culturally relevant and biblically based message of the intrinsic value of every individual. As a Westerner, my knowledge of China is shaped by this sliver of a window into Chinese culture and the church in China. It is more exposure than the average Westerner but not as much as some of you who read this blog.