Andrew Lee
Reflections on Lausanne’s Fourth Congress on World Evangelism
Lausanne’s Fourth Congress on World Evangelism (L4) took place in Seoul (Incheon), South Korea from September 22–28 this year. Representation for L4 increased to 5,200 participants coming from over 200 countries. Rather than attempt complete coverage of the Congress in this blog, reflections will be framed around a series of questions to highlight several significant aspects.
The Evolving Tapestry of the Chinese Diaspora
The dispersion of Chinese populations will continue to grow in the near future and the missional implications of this are enormous. The recent growth of Christianity in China and the country’s political upheavals are pushing a record number to migrate overseas. Many have…embraced the Christian faith in foreign lands and cultures.
Second-Generation Chinese Youth—Kiwi and American
A Reader Responds
A reader discusses the similar challenges faced by second generation Chinese youth in the US and New Zealand. He concludes with an overview of strategies that might help Kiwi churches minister to the needs of their second generation.
Supporting Article
The “Model Minority” Myth in the Chinese American Church
Today's Challenges
In the United States, Asian Americans, including Chinese Americans, have been presented as sterling examples of immigrants who have ascended through the ranks to achieve the American dream. Lee explores this concept, how Chinese Americans see themselves, and the impact of this perception upon their faith and church life.
Supporting Article
Interview with Rev. Yoman Man
The Experience of One American City—Chicago
In this interview, Rev. Man, the Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Chinese Church in Villa Park, Illinois, tells of the growth of the church, how Chinese immigration has affected it, and the challenges it has faced.