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Blog Entries

Breaking the Ice for Gospel Conversations

[…] areas of everyday life, scenery, and mood that are related closely to Asian cultures. For example, one person might want to talk casually about his favorite pastime —possibly playing mahjong, eating at a dim sum restaurant, shopping at a street market, or worshipping at a local temple. At a more serious level, another person […]

Blog Entries

How Christian Posters Shaped Evangelism in China, 1919–1950

Visions of Salvation—A Book Review

Visions of Salvation: Chinese Christian Posters in an Age of Revolution edited by Daryl Ireland. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, forthcoming April 15, 2023, 302 pages. ISBN -10 1481316249, ISBN-13 978-1481316248. Available for pre-order from Baylor University Press.  This innovative collection of posters and articles, edited by Daryl Ireland, starts with an imaginative title: […]

Book Reviews

The Shaping of Christianity in China Today

A Book Review

[…] pages. Paperback, ISBN-10: 153263460; ISBN-13: 978-1532634604; $27 at Amazon.  The following two book reviews give Eastern and Western perspectives on a recent publication that looks at the external challenges, internal struggles, and responses to faith of Chinese Christians in Mainland China since 1949. The book being reviewed, Surviving the State, Remaking the Church: A Sociological Portrait […]

Blog Entries

Crossing Cultures: Table Manners

Ministering cross-culturally is critical for fruitful missionary engagement. As the Chinese missionary movement matures and expands and goes where no man or woman of the gospel has gone before, cross-cultural ministry praxis will become increasingly critical.

Blog Entries

Crossing Cultures: Ethnocentric Conversion

[…] same declaration influenced the decision of the council at Jerusalem to include gentiles, an inclusion later described by Paul as “the mystery of Christ” that all peoples —Jews and Gentiles are “members of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel” (Ephesians 3:4–6). And that inclusion has spread […]

Blog Entries

Crossing Cultures: Capacity and Insight

Expectations for new missionaries as well as for their sending bodies should include a long-term developmental perspective that recognizes on-field difficulties as expected and as the normative shaping events God intentionally uses to develop cross-cultural ministry capacity.

Peoples of China

Theology Or Theologies?

[…] regard to theology. Obviously, if we hold a high view of Scripture, our theology will reflect that, and we will judge others’ theologies by how well they conform to Scripture, as we understand it.  This latter phrase, however, (“as we understand it”) surfaces the problem.  Our understanding of Scripture, and thus our theology, is […]


ZGBriefs | May 12, 2016

[…] year, there were 272,000 newly detected cases, according to the cancer registry. If the trend continues, China can expect to have 2.5 million breast cancer patients by 2021, with the incidence rate increasing to 100 people in every 100,000. Science / Technology The New York Times vs. The Chinese Authorities (May 7, 2016, Great […]


ZGBriefs | October 20, 2016

[…] Benefit China’s Urban Rich? (October 19, 2016, Sixth Tone)
Bai Yansong, a presenter at state broadcaster China Central Television, posed provocative questions to industry representatives at an e -commerce conference held last week in Sichuan province, southwestern China. “If the internet only makes big cities bigger and more convenient, has people rushing in and raising […]


ZGBriefs | June 14, 2018

How Bad Is Facebook’s New China Problem? (June 6, 2018, The Atlantic) A Chinese tech giant with connections to the government appears to be among Facebook’s partners in a data-sharing program.