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Blog Entries

Be A Better Dad Today

A Book Review

[…] job any of us—from the President of the United States to the CEO of a major corporation to the guy taking out the garbage—will ever have” (p. 14).  Raised by a dysfunctional father who abandoned him in his early teens, then taken in by a Chinese immigrant family who had moved in next door, […]

Blog Entries

Islam has the largest number of under-30 believers in China?

Christian Today has posted an article with this headline: “Islam is the most popular religion for under-30s in China." The lead says: Islam has the largest number of young believers in China, new research has found, despite the growth of Christianity in the country and an atheist government. The China Religion Survey 2015, released […]

Chinese Church Voices

When Your Phone Becomes a Substitute for True Relationships

<p>What would lead an 18-year-old boy from a top class to stab his teacher and show no remorse? In this interview transcript, originally published on the mainland blog <em>Territory</em>, host Wenjun speaks with Jiang Peirong, a Taiwanese psychologist and Christian, about what might have led to this shocking event.</p>

Blog Entries

The End of Cheap China

[…] and Managing Director of the China Market Research Group, and he is also a frequent contributing commentator on Shaun's new book is titled The End of Cheap China. In the book, he interviews Chinese billionaires, senior government officials, migrant workers and even prostitutes to track China's evolution, leading to his insights on how […]

The Lantern

Now That China Is Number One

[…] consequences –including for the Body of Christ – both domestically and internationally,. For China’s Christians the effects of economic growth have been relentless, especially during the past 15 years of rapid urbanization. The needs of the church have changed dramatically as the church in China has transformed from a largely rural, socially marginalized, financially […]

Blog Entries

The Final Number Is In!

[…] you all for the exciting December finish to the 2021 fundraising effort. As you may have heard, we finished the year with a matching challenge of US$ 100,000, put forward by two different friends of ChinaSource. The final tally is done, and together, you, our community of support, provided US$136,761.03 toward the challenge and […]

Peoples of China

Understanding and Engaging with the Post-Eighties Generation

<p>In China, the “post-eighties” denotes those who are were generally born during the 1980s. They are the earliest generation of those who became known in the West as the “Little Emperors” of China. Typically, they were raised in a family environment where all adults focused their attention on their only heir. R and J […]

Blog Entries

Reading Tea Leaves from the 2021 National Religious Work Conference

[…] loving their religion”). It encompasses a number of activities that are formal, such as registration of a new congregation, and informal, such as calling pastors on the phone to check on them. The overall goal is to “actively guide religions to adapt to socialist society,” which means to follow the line set by the […]

Blog Entries

Skills No Longer Needed

[…] that they do not belong in this multicultural society. When in a park, being aware at every moment of who is near my children and whether their phone is pointing at them. At the same time, monitoring the pulse of my children’s stress levels. Do they notice the attention on them and, today, do […]

Peoples of China

China’s Migrant Children

[…] Global Times, Feb 25, 2010. 3If “left behind” children of migrant workers, who remain in the villages without parental care, are included in these statistics, the number rises to 30 million total migrant children in China, comprising 20% of the compulsory school-aged student population. “Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education: Lessons from […]