Results for: West Pawlet Call +1800 404 9038 Electrical service change
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Social Service Ministry in China
While social service has long been part of missionary work in mainland China, today a host of different factors are driving Chinese Christians to explore for themselves the place of humanitarian concerns within gospel ministry. For a growing number of local Christians, loving one’s neighbor through acts of service is rapidly becoming an indispensable […]
Supporting Article
Keys to Effective Service in China
Four essentials for effective service in China.
Measuring Change in China
Whose Yardstick?
[…] is the only constant in today’s fast-paced world. In the case of China, social and economic change seem to be pulling the country inexorably forward. To the Western observer, it may appear that the Chinese are becoming “more like us” as cellular phones, business suits and McDonald’s signs proliferate on the crowded streets of […]
Lead Article
Staying in China
The Issues
[…] a true friend of China and given, what was at the time, the rare honor of permanent residence. These experiences of two equally committed Christian professionals, both of whom felt called to serve in China, are drastically different. There are several issues here, but clearly "retention" or longevity of in-country service is one of them.
4 Drivers of Change for Foreign Workers in China
[…] 1980s, it has since lost its allure as a “closed country.” Its rapid economic development has caused some to question whether China truly needs help from the West. Meanwhile, concern for the Muslim world has shifted much of the church’s attention to the Middle East. The result has been a slowdown in new workers […]
Effective China Service in the Era of WTO
[…] greater openness and prosperity, but it is also accentuating social inequality and exacerbating economic problems. Both the positive and negative consequences of WTO bring new opportunities for service. No one can predict what these opportunities may look like in five or ten years. However, recent discussions among ministry leaders elicited a number of “best […]
Urbanization and the Church: East and West
[…] societies. Materialism, postmodernism, family breakdown, leadership failure, and the temptation to use secular techniques to further the work of the church are all familiar themes in the West. Today’s urban Chinese church leaders point to many of the same issues. In a recent Chinese Church Voices post, for example, a pastor in Xiamen mentions […]
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East-West Exchange Promotes Nonprofit Development in China
[…] side, the delegation members had time to share informally with their hosts in various cities. They also visited a variety of cultural sites, attended a Chinese church service and spent an evening in the home of an American family—something they said they would have enjoyed doing more of during their visit. As a result […]
Book Reviews
When East Meets West in the Market Place
[…] rote learning and imitation, and one begins to understand the underlying weaknesses that could undermine China’s current economic miracle. For McGregor, it is the creative combination of Western and Chinese business practices (explored through programs like BiMBA and achieved through “layering” Western and Chinese leadership in the corporate management team) that will ultimately enable […]
China’s Mission Movement: A Call to Incarnation
Today the forces of urbanization have brought Han Chinese believers face-to-face with a diverse range of cultures, from international students and business people to members of the hundreds of ethnic groups resident within China’s borders.