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A Free Resource
"Gospel in Life"
<p>Our friends at the International Outreach department of The Gospel Coalition (TGC) are offering a free resource to those serving in China—Tim Keller’s <em>Gospel in Life</em>, in simplified Chinese. </p>
One Virus, Two Cities
When the coronavirus began its rapid global spread earlier this year, New York City quickly emerged as a new epicenter of the virus. Case counts spiked, reaching new highs on a daily basis as hospitals reeled under the sudden demand for acute care. Well over 20,000 lives would be lost before the outbreak was […]
Free eBook: 7 Trends Impacting Foreigners in China
[…] Foreigners in China. If you are serving in China, or making plans to do so, this is definitely something you will want to read. Editor's note: The offer of a free copy of the ebook 7 Trends Impacting Foreigners in China has expired. The book is still available for purchase at 7 Trends Impacting Foreigners in China.
Free Webinar: “Confucian Shame in Christian Thinking”
[…] webinar will explore the diverse ways that honor and shame affect our moral decision making as well as Paul’s use of these ideas within his letters. This free webinar will be held on Wednesday, March 24 at 1:00PM (US Central Time). For more information and to register go to “Confucian Shame in Christian Thinking.” […]
Encouragement for Those Contemplating Post-Virus Divorce
[…] fully booked every day with divorce appointments. People are not at all surprised at this, rather they can empathize—the trials of the epidemic are not just the virus, but also trials in marriage. The Hua Shuang Daily reports that on March 5, Xi’an Beilin District Marriage Registry had 14 divorce bookings, which reached the […]
Free Webinar: Where Are the Churches in China? And Why?
In this lecture, Professor Yang will present the geographical distribution of Catholic and Protestant churches in China, discuss several characteristics, and trace some of the historical and social patterns of church development.
WeChatting to the Glory of God, a Free Webinar
Serving China Through Digital Engagement
Despite restrictions and an increasingly tight environment, there are still creative ways that Christians are using the internet for evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, and encouragement. In this webinar, we will present a picture of what God is doing through four different ministries involved in digital engagement.
Supporting Article
Venturing a Glimpse into 21st Century China
[…] as advisors on issues of press freedom. They will also be legal advisors to China’s Ministry of Justice, explaining the legal ramifications of libel, slander, and other free speech issues. Watch for the full report on the roundtable of China specialists upon which this article was based. Soon to be released by ChinaSource. Image […]
Supporting Article
Holistic Development in Yunnan Province
[…] name but have local decision makers meet on a regular basis for discussions about program direction. The training teams at the village level serve as the health promoters/trainers who then bring special trainings to the village at arranged times. ZTCDP has trained many people who have attended training courses in CHE/CHED both in China […]
Book Reviews
Children: At the Heart of Mission
Children—the Great Omission? by Dan Brewster and Patrick McDonald.
Reviewed by Ian A.