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Supporting Article

Partnership to Welcome Hong Kong Newcomers

Chinese churches and local churches in the UK are working hard to welcome and shepherd the vast number of Christians from Hong Kong as soon as possible, giving them opportunities to serve, and mobilizing them to reach out with the gospel of Jesus Christ to non-believing Hong Kong newcomers and others in the Chinese diaspora.

The Lantern

A Thank You and a Welcome!

[…] China more clearly, and for helping the people of God from the East and West to engage, collaborate and find his calling and purpose in service together! Welcome Aboard, Andrea! You may remember that last June we also asked for your prayers as we embarked on a search for the next ChinaSource Content Manager. […]

Chinese Church Voices

An Official Code of Conduct for China’s Pastors

[…] more vigilant in recognizing and preventing the capability of foreign infiltration as well as to stand on guard against cults, heresies, and extremism.  In addition, the document promotes mutual respect and harmony between different religions as well as inter-religious dialogue and cultural exchanges. It also demands that staff conform to churches' rules and regulations […]

Lead Article

Welcome to the City

Reaching the cities of China requires an urban strategy and the combined efforts of church. Serving the city, seeking good for the city expresses God's love for the city and contributes to carrying out his plan for the city.


ZGBriefs | July 18, 2019

China’s “5,000 Years of History”: Fact or Fiction? July 14, 2019, Radii China) The recent elevation of the 5,300-year-old site of Liangzhu to UNESCO World Heritage status revives an old debate about modern China's historical narrative.

Chinese Church Voices

Easter on Weibo

Sina Weibo is China's most popular micro-blogging site. In fact "weibo" means "micro-blog." It's a Chinese version of Twitter that claims to have 300+ million subscribers.Christian subscribers took to Weibo on Sunday to comment on Easter.


ZGBriefs | November 30, 2017

Cheering China’s Urbana: Churches Poised to Become Major Exporters (November 27, 2017, Christianity Today) When 1,200 youth gathered for the first Chinese “Urbana-style” missions conference this fall, 300 pledged to become full-time missionaries.

The Lantern

The Impact of a Milk Shortage

[…] the milk. More protein, better for your kids, right? Wrong. When added to food products, melamine can cause kidney stones and kidney failure. Melamine-laced milk caused the death of six infants and made approximately 300,000 children ill, 54,000 required hospitalization. The very thing parents bought to nurture their children was a danger to their health.

Blog Entries

Not Enough Hands

My love for China started in 1973 when I was adopted by Chinese immigrants in America. My heart for adoption sent me to China in 2007 to welcome my adopted Chinese daughter into my family. These two elements of who I am brought me and my family to live, breathe, and become a part […]

Chinese Church Voices

A Question for Christians at Christmas

Am I Really Ready?

Pastor Yang reflects on how easily Christians can be distracted from the true significance of Christmas and encourages all to prepare their hearts to welcome the the Savior.